The important powers of SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) are:- Figure 1. Image or picture of SEBI's official logo.
1. Powers relating to stock exchanges & intermediaries
SEBI has wide powers regarding the stock exchanges and intermediaries dealing in securities. It can ask information from the stock exchanges and intermediaries regarding their business transactions for inspection or scrutiny and other purpose.
2. Power to impose monetary penalties
SEBI has been empowered to impose monetary penalties on capital market intermediaries and other participants for a range of violations. It can even impose suspension of their registration for a short period.
3. Power to initiate actions in functions assigned
SEBI has a power to initiate actions in regard to functions assigned. For example, it can issue guidelines to different intermediaries or can introduce specific rules for the protection of interests of investors.
4. Power to regulate insider trading
SEBI has power to regulate insider trading or can regulate the functions of merchant bankers.
5. Powers under Securities Contracts Act
For effective regulation of stock exchange, the Ministry of Finance issued a Notification on 13 September, 1994 delegating several of its powers under the Securities Contracts (Regulations) Act to SEBI.
SEBI is also empowered by the Finance Ministry to nominate three members on the Governing Body of every stock exchange.
6. Power to regulate business of stock exchanges
SEBI is also empowered to regulate the business of stock exchanges, intermediaries associated with the securities market as well as mutual funds, fraudulent and unfair trade practices relating to securities and regulation of acquisition of shares and takeovers of companies.
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